Even once you’ve done all The Witcher’s story quests, there are a ton of question marks to be explored on the map. Like The Witcher 3, the endgame of Fallout 4 could just be exploration itself. Giving me infinite boss monsters to kill would have taken that feeling away, even if it kept dumping XP into my character and money into my wallet. Radiant Quests truly add nothing, and serve only to make a game more “video game-y” than it needs to be.

I felt like I'd actually accomplished something. I liked the fact that I eventually slayed all the monstrous beasts in the area and collected all the bounties. Is that bad? I don’t hear anyone complaining that at hour 150 in The Witcher, they’re finally starting to run out of stuff to do. Eventually, you will do all the quests, and have no more missions until DLC comes out. Look at a game like The Witcher 3, which may have a few “light” quests here and there (“give this woman back her frying pan”), but there is no system in place like Radiant Quests. It’s a quick and easy way to artificially extend playtime, but with all the tradeoffs I’ve just mentioned. It may seem like “less content,” but it’s not real content. Games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 would be better off without Radiant Quests. Rather, I’m trying to think of a solution to them Bethesda can employ in future games.
So what’s the “fix” to this? Sorry if you came here looking for some sort of mod that suddenly makes all Radiant Quests interesting. Am I really supposed to believe that the group at Ten Pines Bluff has had every single resident kidnapped at least once, and they want me to clear camps of ghouls, supermutants, and raiders nearby that I’ve already killed at least two or three times? While other story-based quests expand the world, Radiant Quests shrink it by reminded you very clearly that you are in a video game, and you’re doing this repetitive crap for XP and cash, nothing more. I’m of the firm opinion that yes, single player games should eventually have a hard ending where there is nothing left to be done. Even if you know these are infinite quests, it’s still irritating to have them in your “to be cleared” inbox as a completionist. You will always have active quests, unless you manage to complete them then never return to talk to the NPCs who give them to you again. Finding all the hidden things, collecting all the guns, and of course, completing all the missions. I’m someone who likes to try and 100% clear single player games. Are all these detector beacon things Tinker Tom is having me set up actually going to produce some sort of concrete result at some point, or is he going to keep saying “mmm a few more” forever? Do these numbered defense quests from the Railroad have an end to them, or will I end up doing “Safehouse Quest #549” someday if I keep taking them on? While some Radiant Quests are obvious, others seem like normal ones that trick you into thinking there’s an ending to them. To this day I’m still not sure that every Radiant Quest I’m doing is really a Radiant Quest. You don’t always know you’re doing an infinite questline. The same goes for a few of the other NPCs that they’ve turned into nothing but quest vending machines. I associate literally nothing else with this man other than these dumb quests. As I mentioned, even hearing Preston Garvey’s voice is grating at this point, because 90% of what he says to me is assigning these banal quests. While I understand that appeal of wanting to give players something to do indefinitely in your game, I hate Radiant Quests, and judging by the rest of the internet, I’m not alone.