Written in both hieratic and demotic, it provides interesting details of mummification. The first was prepared for Montu-Sehef, who lived in Mermothes and died at the age of 59 in 9 BC, during the first year of the reign of Emperor Augustus. The two Rind Papyri were discovered in an intact tomb of the Roman period. The Rind Papyri, discovered in 1856 by Alexander Rhind, a Scottish Lawyer, describes many details of mummification (Birch 1863). The closest we have are the few papyri that describe what happened to the mummy after the surgical procedures. The ancient Egyptians practiced mummification for more than two thousand years, but they have left us no description of the surgical procedures undertaken during embalming. Palabras claves: Egipto, arqueología experimental, prácticas mortuorias. Este informe presenta los procedimientos quirúrgicos utilizados durante el proceso de momificación. Los autores intentaron replicar el sistema de momificación egipcia en un cadáver humano actual y en un trabajo anterior, los autores publicaron sus resultados sobre el uso de natron en la momificación antigua. Key words: Egypt, experimental archaeology, mortuary practices. This paper discusses the surgical procedures used in evisceration during mummification. In a previous paper, the authors reported their findings on the use of natron in ancient mummification. The authors attempted to replicate Egyptian mummification with a human cadaver. E-mai1: of Maryland, School of Medicine, 655 W Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201, U. *Long Island University, Philosophy Department, C W Post College, Greenvale, NY U.S.A. EGYPTIAN MUMMIFICATION Bob Brier *, Ronald S.