Crystal Ball: An upgradable tool, it allows you to look into the future to see what conditions are expected in the near future with regards to both curses and potion ingredient costs.but peasants get cursed all the time and the cures for curses are sold by heavily-competing mafia-like corporations. Crapsaccharine World: Sure, there's magic and princes and balls and fairy godmothers.Visual Pun: The Bearzinis are gold - as in Goldilocks.Redheads Are Uncool: The Not-So-Handsome Princes are orange, and the only one of the group ever seen onscreen has hair of a similar color.Purple Is Powerful: The Magic Dragons are purple.

Green and Mean: Sneersworth, in Castle City, is green.Overlaps with Red Is Violent, as this is the only rival who openly threatens to harm you. Bull Seeing Red: The Mad Cows are red.Looking at the area map shows patches of color representing the area of influence each shop and its goons have, and this is also the color representing each faction on graphs and popularity charts. Color-Coded for Your Convenience: You and each of your rivals are assigned a color.